Labels:text | screenshot | black and white | black | document | monochrome OCR: ancement) Coronal CT head scans (Fig 4.20; posten? shown in from the patient whose visual fields are elta 25 Fig. 4.19. The left scan, performed on a L performed scanner, is before therapy; the right scan f on a GE 8800 scanner is after two weeks s per day. bromocriptine therapy, 2.5mg three time the In (a), the scan shows an enlargement of tending iorly into pituitary fossa and an enhancing mass e inferiorly into the sphenoid sinus, supe he third the chiasmatic cistern, and abutting on t d reduction ventricle. In (b), the scan shows a marke prasellar in tumour size, with regression of the s largely freeextension. The chiasmatic cistern is now ss to the ensity is of tumour, apart from a finger-like proc left of the midline. The intrasellar high d present in the pre-enhancement scan an ur. ...